Çerez Örnek

Frequently Asked Questions

In which period can I complete my registration renewal process?

According to the academic calendar announced by the Ege University Rectorate, students have to renew their registration and pay their contribution fee via EBYS at the beginning of each semester.


I want to get a Student Certificate, where can I get it?

You can request your student certificate from university's kimlik.ege.edu.tr website by entering your student ID number and password.  You can get your e-document with e-signature from the system.


I want to get a Transcript Document, where can I get it?
You can request your transkript from university's kimlik.ege.edu.tr website by entering your student ID number and password.  You can get your e-document with e-signature from the system.
I did not renew my registration at the beginning of the semester, can I attend the courses?
No, our students can attend classes only if they are registered.

I did not renew my registration at the beginning of the semester, can I get a student certificate?

No, our students can only get a student certificate if they are registered. Transcripts of previous periods can be given upon request.


Should a student who does not have a course in the fall but has a course in the spring semester (or vice versa) pay the tuition fees in both semesters?

No, our students are only required to pay fees during the course period.


Can I get a document on whether I have received a disciplinary penalty?

There is no document regarding the disciplinary penalty. When our students receive their transcripts or student documents, this information is included under the document if requested.


Can I get a document on whether I have read the preparatory class or not?

There is no document regarding the preparatory class. Prep Class and Passing Grade are included in the transcripts.


How many times do I have the right to take the single course exam?

Students can take the one-course exam for only once.


What are the conditions for taking the single course exam?

If a student has  only 1 (one) failed course among all in all semesters, they have the right to take a single course exam. 


How many courses can I take in summer school?

Our students can take a maximum of 2 (two) courses in the Summer School.


Where can I find information about the internship?

There is a seperate section for “internship” on the moodle system. All documents and application processes are also included in the “Frequently Asked Questions about Internship”.


 Can I take the “internship course”  in summer school?

Internship course is not offered in summer school.


When and how can I take re-sit exams?

Our students have the right to take a re-sit exam for midterm and make-up exams. There is no re-sit exam for final exams. If the excuse of a student who wants to take the re-sit exam is related to health, the health report obtained from a full-fledged hospital or university hospital is valid. For any excuse, students have to provide evidence with legal documents.


I forgot my EBYS login password, what should I do?

If you have forgotten your login password, you can have a new password sent to your e-mail by clicking the “forgot password” link on the Ege ID login page and entering your e-mail address in the required field. But in order to do this, you need to remember the answer to the security question.

If you forgot both your password and your answer to the security question, your password needs to be reset. In order to reset your password, you need to contact the Faculty Student Affairs with your Student ID. After the password is reset, you must create your password again by entering the Ege ID page and performing the first password creation process.

For the first password creation, you will be asked to enter your TR Identity Number, father's name and date of birth. If it gives an error when you enter this information and click the create password button, it means there is an error in the information you entered. Most likely, the error may occur depending on whether your father's name is entered in uppercase or lowercase letters in the system. Try again by entering your father's name in different formats (all uppercase letters, uppercase letters, all lowercase letters).

When your password is reset, use your Username: Student Number and Password: T.C. number.


I want to drop the course I chose earlier in the add-drop week. EBYS won't let me delete the course?

You can do add-drop by contacting your advisor. In order for you to drop a course you have chosen during the registration week, please click on the “Leave” button in EBYS during the add-drop week and then contact your advisor. If your advisor approves your withdrawal, the delete button will become active on your EBYS screen. Only after that you can delete the course.


I cannot see the courses I registered via a petition during the add-drop week in EBYS. My name is not in the course signature list, what can I do?

It takes time for the courses registered with a petition during the add-drop week to enter the EBYS. Petitions are entered into EBYS manually by the Rectorate Student Affairs Department. If you check the course records from EBYS before the midterm week and see that your courses in the petition are still missed in EBYS, you can contact the Faculty Student Affairs.


How much tuition fee do I have to pay? (or) I paid my fee, but it looks like I didn't pay it in EBYS. For this reason, I cannot register, what can I do?

The tuition fees is under the authority of the Rectorate's Student Affairs Department. What you need to do is to contact the STUDENT FEES AND CONTRIBUTIONS OPERATIONS unit of the RECTORATE DEPARTMENT OF STUDENT AFFAIRS.


Is there any obligation to attend classes?

Yes, our students are required to actively participate in 70% of the lessons.


Is there any obligation to actively attend the courses I have failed when I take them in the next semester?

If you have failed any course of the previous semester by actively attending, you do not have to attend, but you are obliged to take the exams. If you have failed because of absence, attendance is mandatory. 


How can I make a Leave of Absence Application?

According to the 19th article of Ege University Registration-Admission Directive, our students can apply with a petition at the beginning of the semester and request a “Leave of Absence”. 


For how long can I take a Leave of Absence ?

The Students can only be granted a leave of absence for a maximum of 4 semesters (2 academic years) according to the 19th article of Ege University Registration-Admission Directive. 


I want to drop out. What should I do?

The students can drop out by entering Öğrenci Kayıt Silme/Mezun Başvuru heading under kimlik.ege.edu.tr web site.

Ege Üniversitesi